Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

Hello! I'm back after a year of being! From now on, I will try my best in updating this account as much as possible. So let me start it from the the way I celebrated another year here in Japan.  Actually, I already posted the following in my other social network account. and I just thought of sharing it here.

さて、日本のお正月の行事を紹介します。まず、大晦日には、長寿を祈って、年越しそばを頂きます。元旦には、縁起の良い食材を使い、綺麗に盛り付けられたおせち料理を用意します。全てが美味しく頂きました。(*^^*) そして、お餅が入った味噌汁、お雑煮の作り方を教えて貰って、皆で頂きました。食べた後には、神社へ初詣でに行きます。日本で生活する上で、これからも日本の文化、習慣をもっと学んで、楽しもうと思います。(*^^*)

Happy new year everyone! Let me tell you how the Japanese people celebrate the new year. They usually prepare special dishes called osechi ryori on the first day. Osechi ryori are packed in a jubako box which has several layers. Each dish has a particular meaning such as prawns for long life, herring roe for fertility, and so on. It is also traditional to eat mochi or rice cake dishes on the first day of the year. In fact, I learned how to make the Ozouni or the rice cake soup which is the most popular mochi dish. I also went to the temple like the Japanese people do. The first visit to a temple or shrine is called 'hatsumoude'. This is the way I celebrate new year here. how about you? Let's bring it on this 2014!

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