Sunday, October 25, 2009


It's my first time to post here. and i want to start my blog with some important events this year.では始めます。。今年の二月28日にマニラで日本語スピーチコンテストに出場しました。それは私にとって、大変良い経験になりました。MKDの 先生や多くの 友人や 家族に、サポートされ、ベストを 尽くすことが できました。結果は残念に なりましたが 私は大変 充実感を 感じることが できました。心から ありがとうございますと 言いたいです。下記通りは私のスピーチの内容です。







私が日本にいたころ、街中で立小便をしている人や タバコのポイ捨てをする人はほとんど見かけませんでした。また、街を歩いていても、どこも清潔で公園もよく掃除がされています。日本の公衆道徳はダバオよりもレベルが上なのだと思いました。


そんな日本でも最近では、罰則つきの条例(じょうれい)があるようです。例えば、東京都千代田(だ)区では歩きながらの喫煙(きつえん)が禁止されていま す。子供にやけどをさせたり、タバコのポイ捨てで街が汚れてしまうのを防ぐためだそうです。公衆道徳が高い日本でも罰則つきの条例が制定されているので す。どうしてフィリピンやダバオ市にはそんな条例がないのでしょうか。



ところで私が市長に出した手紙ですが、つい最近返事を頂きました。私の提案書に対する返事はつぎのようなものでした。まず、タバコのポイ捨てはすでに条例 で禁止されている。それから、路上に唾を吐いたり立小便をしたりするのは、その人たちの教育レベルや公衆衛生観念の低さや原因であるが、公衆トイレなどダ バオ市内の施設の不足も原因である、ということでした。




“I want to improve my Hometown”

What do you usually see when you’re walking down the street? I have observed people littering cigarette butts and a few men peeing anywhere. Looking at such sight always makes me sad.

I was born and raised in Davao City. I love my hometown. I want to be a proud Dabawenyo. However, when I see people breaking public morals, it really shames me.

As some of you may have known Singapore is known as 「FINE COUNTRY」。The word “FINE” connotes two meanings. One is “CLEAN” and the other is “PENALTY”.

For example, spitting on the street, littering of cigarette butts, and throwing trashes on the street can incur a maximum penalty of 1000 Singaporean Dollar.

The said country overpowered Japan in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in the year 2007. It became one of the richest countries in Asia. (JPN: 34,300 USD, SINGAPORE: 35,000 USD). From 1960 to year 2006, Japan ranked as number one.

Why did Singapore overpower Japan?

There are a lot of reasons to mention. In my own point of view, it boils down to one major reason, i.e. SELF-DISCIPLINE. Discipline accompanied by massive education of the people. That is to say, “information dissemination of public manners accompanied by self-discipline”. Discipline can include imposition of reasonable penalty to violators.

In Tokyo Chiyoda, Japan, the anti smoking ordinance was promulgated by their government in the year 2002. Reasonable penalty was also enforced by the local government to violators.

If Japan and Singapore made it, I believe that Davao can make it too. In order to improve my hometoen, I want to propose to Mayor Rodrigo Duterte to enforce a reasonable penalty to people who will unscrupulously throw their cigarette butts around and those who will pee anywhere the public roads.

The following are some existing ordinances enforced in Davao City:

1. Ordinance for Homeless Dogs.
2. No Smoking in Public Places Ordinance.
3. Garbage Collection According to Type Ordinance
4. Ordinance prohibiting the use of firecrackers during Christmas and New Year.
5. Ordinance on the Proper Use of Taxi Meter
6. Ordinance requiring operators of taxi and other public vehicles to provide trash can inside the taxi and other public vehicles.
7. Ordinance requiring drivers to display their Driver’s ID.
8. Ordinance prohibiting loud sound of Karaoke beyond 9:00 o’clock p.m.
9. Ordinance prohibiting aerial spray to banana plantations, etc.

I believe that the implementation of an additional ordinance will not only benefit the Davaoeňos but the City as well. I have hope and I am confident that Mayor Duterte will give his attention to my proposal.


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